
Showing posts from June, 2020


I've been playing Supergiant Games ever since Bastion came out. I didn't have a very high opinion about Bastion, largely because the combat didn't feel terribly satisfying. But then they kept making more games, and each and every one of them was in a different genre. Transistor had a brilliant turn based system, and Pyre was so original and so critically acclaimed that no one discussed it much. And how we have Hades, and I think they've finally perfected their style with this one. Not since Spelunky have I felt this satisfied in a roguelike.


Celeste is such an obvious labor of love. It does so much with so little, yet every aspect of its gameplay is fine tuned to perfection in a way that only the most sophisticated of games can be. Celeste lets you jump, slash forward and stick to walls. But there are many possibilities latent in these three mechanics, and each stage brings them out delightfully while telling a gripping story.