The Last of Us

This scene from The Last of Us shall stay with me for a very long time to come. I think, more so than any trite message concerning how "the Earth abides" even without us (I really need to read that book), the sight of giraffes roaming a city brings home the fact that they very well could, if we had everything organized a little differently. Imagine a world where we respect boundaries enough to allow animals to cohabit with us in urban spaces. We do that with stray dogs back in India, but it's not very difficult to imagine how the same could not be extended to more "exotic" species as well. Obviously it's impractical right now: we just haven't attained the kind of species maturity to think of human animal relationships in that respectful sense yet. But perhaps some day; one can only hope. What stood out for me about this scene aside from its quiet spectacle, was how the giraffes weren't affronted in the slightest. 


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