Witcher 3

When you read reviews of Witcher 3, you come across at least two tendencies among reviewers: there will be those who will claim that they're very old gamers, and rarely have they come across a game that is so lavish and so generous. The other kind of reviewer will grudgingly accept the wonders of Witcher 3, but also admit to boredom before long. I fall somewhat in both categories: for someone who has tried to play various kinds of games in many genres, it's astounding how the Witcher 3 seems to do so much right all at once. There is exploration, conversations, crafting, combat. Then there is the story, which has perhaps some of the best writing in a video game I've ever seen. But I have been bored with this game as well, and this largely when I have rushed through it and approached it like I would a game like Arkham City. That is playing it all wrong. While the difficulty in the game can be adjusted to suit your needs, this is a game that demands that you experience it one quest at a time. Easier said than done, since there are numerous distractions along the way. But the sympathetic gamer will realize before long that the joy in Witcher 3 is in how lovingly it has been crafted, and the creators want you to appreciate that as you play. It is the kind of thing that confidently wraps up a whole era while opening up entirely new possibilities for the coming one. 


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